Aqua fitness consists of moves pushing in the water using the water for resistance. Paddles, noodles, kickboards and foam dumbbells are just some of the equipment utilized to increase the resistance to make the moves more challenging. Expect to burn between 400-500 calories per hour in an aqua fitness class! Aqua Fitness causes less stress on the muscles and joints, offers an effective workout and is fun too!
Benefits of Aqua Fitness
Benefits of Aqua Fitness
- Improved Flexibility
- Improved Muscular Strength and Endurance
- Increased Aerobic Capacity
- Improves Balance and Coordination
- Improves Core Stability
- Improves Body Alignment
- Improves Muscle Symmetry (Because of the Antagonist and Agonist Muscles Working in Opposition)
- Speeds Up Metabolism
- Reduces Stress
- Provides an exercise mode that executes less impact on the joints and bones
- Induces a Faster Recovery Rate from Injury
- Provides a Non-Competitive Atmosphere
- Encourages Social Interaction
- Decreases Risk for Heart Disease
- Decreases Blood Pressure
- Hydrostatic Pressure Assists in a More Efficient Venous Return
- Increases HDL Cholesterol
- Improves Circulation
- Improves viscosity in the joints thereby enhancing mobility for those with osteoarthritis
- Improves lung capacity due to the humidity of the aquatic area for those with asthma
- Enhances Athletic Performance
- Improves Pregnancy Water reduces hyperlordosis conditions
- Water reduces the risk for overheating during exercise
- Hydrostatic pressure reduces edema (swelling)